Orange - Washington

in the mediterranean region, the oldest known orange-bellied variety. table oranges in the most demanded kinds. from antalya, hatay, until in the whole mediterranean area is cultivated. planting is done from the navel group recently. the fruit is large, round and oval in between, there is a slight midpoint at the tip of style.

the citrus family of dicots, from his native india, yesil remaining always a tree (citrus aurantium) and this is in the form of fish or eggs, fragrant fruit. since orange is a fruit tree valuable, nowadays, widely it is cultivated in all warm regions. 3-4 m in height. so, the leaves are stiff, bright top faces, bottom face, hairy, flowers erdis is.


Washington Oriya Orange Muğla
Washington Oriya Orange Muğla
Washington Oriya Orange Muğla
Washington Oriya Orange Muğla
Washington Oriya Orange Muğla
Washington Oriya Orange Muğla
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